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*****on the App Store
15 CoursesArts & Design
4 CoursesDevelopment
22 CoursesHealth & Fitness
10 CoursesData Science
9 CoursesMarketing
9 CoursesIT & SOFTWARE
15 CoursesDESIGN
8 CoursesVideo Editing
3 Courses
Frequently Asked Questions.
How do I enroll in a course?
To enroll in a course, simply browse our course catalog, select the course you want, and click the "Enroll" or "Buy Now" button. Follow the checkout process, and once completed, you'll get instant access to the course.
Can I access the courses after purchase?
Yes! Once you purchase a course, you will have lifetime access (unless stated otherwise). You can log in anytime to continue learning at your own pace.
Do you offer certificates after course completion?
Yes, we provide a certificate of completion for most courses. Once you finish the course and meet the necessary requirements, you can download your certificate from your account.
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Fostering Student Growth through Mindful Mentoring
- 9 Nov, 2023
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Igniting Your Inner Fire for Success
- 27 Oct, 2023
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Balancing Profitability and Integrity in Sales
- 22 Oct, 2023
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